Team Fortress 2 just became way more exciting, as the Meet Your Match update is now live after they revealed more new stuff on Day 2 of the update teaser.
Team Fortress 2 is a fantastic game and I do like to jump in now and then for a little blast, but I really do hate having to find and pick a server. Looks like this update was made for me.
SWARMRIDERS is a FREE "endless runner"+"twin stick shooter" ARCADE mashup. A "machine gun swarm surfing minigame" made as a bonus content for the UBERMOSH community.
I had the pleasure of testing out Transmissions Element 120, a single-player experience set in the Half-Life universe. It’s now out, and available on Linux.
The Way of Life sees you relive different experiences using three characters at different ages. It sounds like a cool idea and it's free so why not give it a go?
Seems like sales of Avalon Lords: Dawn Rises haven't been what they expected, as the developers have announcing it's going free to play on the 2nd of June.
For those that don't know, or forgot, the new Unreal Tournament does in fact have a Linux version. I check on it now and then and it's really starting to come together.
An action platformer MMO isn't something you see very often, but StarBreak hopes to pull it off. It's free to play too, so you have nothing to lose by trying it out.